Solo Barns Skip for Dark Carnival
Solo Barns Skip for Dark Carnival
Diperbarui 3 years ago oleh vogeltech

Things you need to note:

  1. Charger spawns here are like 33% chance.
  2. Make sure you stand here for better charger spawns:
  3. You are required to bring a pipebomb with you (other throwables work but are more harder to use).
  4. Make sure it's on Easy for better timing.
  5. I'd say having anything above 50 health is enough since the average slams he would do on you before the pipebomb explosion is 1-2 slams.

Statistik Game
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Minor rule changes/clarifications

Hey everyone, some minor changes to the rules - solely to clarify things/change wording, no rules actually "changed" (at least not in any way that will be relevant to 99.9% of people):

  • The linked guide for demo recording is now in a new location on the internet ( 👀 ) and was reworked to hope
4 months ago
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