Lucky Islands Solo 5 Kill Speedrun Guide (Bedrock)
Lucky Islands Solo 5 Kill Speedrun Guide (Bedrock)
Updated 3 years ago by H0laNin0ss

One of the key things to getting a fast time is getting a good map. Any map that has the spawn islands close to each other works. The Vortex map is highly recommended. Choose the builder kit. Open one lucky block in hopes of finding a weapon. Once you have done so immediately rush and speed bridge to the person next to you. Try and use as little blocks as possible. Since you rushed early in the game, the chances of your opponent having a weapon are very low, so you should be able to kill them. Only loot the player if they had something important like a weapon or blocks. Open one more lucky block and continue to speed bridge to the person beside you. Kill them and continue the steps until you get 5 kills. If things go smoothly you should get a weapon eventually and in a lucky block you should get more blocks. Hopefully in a bit, you should get a good speed run! Tips: -Try your best to knock the player off the map to save more time. -Don't waste your time looting too much, the most important thing you need are blocks. Info: Map: Vortex (Recommended) Kit: Builder

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