Capture the flag Bedrock WR strategy (UPDATE 25th August 2020)
Capture the flag Bedrock WR strategy (UPDATE 25th August 2020)
Updated 3 years ago by GoldenSpaghettiHoop

Hey here is a guide you can use to speedrun Capture the flag bedrock edition.

For anyone interested in getting the wr for the fastest game of blockwars I have a strat for you guys to use. Here is my strat for Blockwars Any% Party:

  1. Select the map named "Games" as it is slightly shorter than all other maps
  2. 1 person will protect the flag apart from leaving a nice gap for people to get through to put the flag where it should go
  3. Someone will make a speedbridge through the middle at whatever location they feel and speedbridge to the other side making a nice straight path to the flag
  4. 1 person puts a line of blocks that are 2 blocks above to be able to headbang when running to and from the enemy base, helps speed up movement
  5. 2 people will go and capture the first flag, 1 will capture the other will protect enemy flag, the flag bearer runs away back to base while the other person stays behind.
  6. 1 person will then join the person waiting to capture the new flag and protect them and be ready to get the 3rd flag
  7. Once back at the base the person waiting behind will instantly capture the flag and do the same thing.
  8. While this goes on the player protecting the spawn is doing everything the can to annoy and trap the spawn area
  9. The process will repeat until all 3 flags a captured

Good luck anyone wanting to beat the current record :)

UPDATE TO GUIDE: Since the speed powerup has been added you can use that to save about 3 seconds maximum, it doesn't save much more than that however due to headhitters with slowness being about the same speed as headhitters at normal speed.

For No party you can use the same headhitter startegies to speeduptimes and possibly squeeze out a couple of seconds but it is very luck based, make use of build time for headhitters :)

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