Eggwars duos season 1 (updated 2023)
Eggwars duos season 1 (updated 2023)
Updated 1 year ago by Wolf_smk

Hey there, this is a guide on how to speedrun eggwars duos and get the fastest time you possibly can.

So before knowing the strategies its important to note a few things.

  1. Make sure you and your duo know how to speedbridge, here's a tutorial made by the spaghetti guy in case you dont know how to speedbridge:

  2. Make sure your favorite items tab includes: -63 Blocks -Leather armor bundle -wooden sword (optional) -stone pickaxe

  3. Make sure to play on the map "Cyber City" as it is the fastest map in eggwars duos.

  4. Talk to your teammate on who will rush side (the teams to the side) or mid/front (the teams across mid), for the sake of the guide I will call the player that goes side "siderusher" and the player that goes across mid "midrusher".

Now, when you queue a game you will usually be in a corner team (a team that is NOT in the middle of two other teams), but you might occasionally spawn in a middle team (A team in between two teams), Im gonna go over the corner team strategy first as it is the most common spawn, and then I will go over the middle team spawn afterwards.

Normal strat (corner island)

Before game starts

  1. First you're gonna vote for overpowered items, as it has the cheaper items.

  2. Then the siderusher is gonna pick miner kit and the midrusher is gonna pick builder kit.

First rushes

  1. Right after the game starts, the midrusher is gonna get to the team right across mid (red team if youre cyan) by rushing mid instantly with the 15 blocks of the builder kit, and then eliminating the team (rushing).

At the same time, the side rusher will get 26 iron from the iron generator closest to the shop and buy 63 blocks and a wooden sword (this is called 26 iron rushing) and rush both side teams (yellow and pink teams if youre cyan) with only these items.

The siderusher can alternatively get 25 iron and buy 63 blocks and the leather armor bundle (25 iron rushing), get 30 iron and buy 63 blocks, a wooden sword, and the leather armor bundle (30 iron rushing), or only get 21 iron from the generator and buy 63 blocks (21 iron rushing), I personally recommend 26 iron rushing as it gets faster kills, but its up to you if you are willing to risk consistency for speed or viceversa.

If both speedrunners have the same skill and everything goes well then the siderusher's second rush (pink team if you're cyan) and the midrusher's first rush (red team if you're cyan) should finish at about the same time.

Last rushes

  1. By the time step 3 is done, there should only be 2 teams left to finish, (green and orange teams if you're cyan).

After finishing their first rush, the midrusher will get 31 iron from the enemy iron generators and buy a wooden sword, 63 blocks, the leather armor bundle, and a stone pickaxe, and then rush both of the remaining teams with only these items.

Alternatively the mid rusher can 27 iron rush (26 iron rush but with an iron added for a stone pickaxe), Although this will save you a fraction of a second, I only recommend doing this if you are really good at comboing, as the other players will probably have armor at this point of the game.

At the same time, after finishing their second rush, the siderusher will buy blocks to go across mid to get to the final team (green team if you're cyan).

Alternatively if the siderusher has 13-7 blocks remaining and good block conservation skills the siderusher can rush straight across mid without having to stop to buy blocks.

If both speedrunners have the same skill and everything goes well then they will both meet at the final team (green team if you're cyan) and eliminate the enemy players at the same time, resulting in the end of the game and therefore the speedrun.

What to expect

Your rushes might of the annoying class and slow down your run, don't worry as this happens to everyone.

Although if your rushes aren't annoying, then you should expect low minute times (0:55-1:20) although this varies in your skill, you might also have the right teams leave which can result in step 4 (or even parts of step 3) being completely skipped and therefore drastically improving your time.

The other strat (middle team)

This is an alternate strategy made for when you spawn on orange or yellow team, which just so happen to be the middle teams.

Before game starts

  1. First you're gonna vote for overpowered items, as it has the cheaper items.

  2. Then, both of you will pick builder kit as it is required for this strategy to work,

First rushes

  1. One of the players will drop all the blocks from the builder kit to the other player, the player who gets the blocks will then have 30 blocks to rush instantly, for the sake of the guide, we will call the player who drops blocks "player 1", and the player who gets the blocks "player 2",

  2. After that, player 2 will rush instantly to the team thats furthest away from the shop, and eliminate them (cyan team if you're yellow), while player 1 will 27 iron rush (63 blocks, wooden sword, stone pickaxe) to the team closest to the shop, and eliminate them (pink team if you're yellow).

These rushes should be finished at the same time.

Last rushes

  1. By the time step 4 is done, only the 3 teams across mid should remain, (green, orange and red teams if you're yellow).

After this, player 1 will use their remaining blocks to get to the team across mid (green team if your yellow) and eliminate them, at the same time, player 2 will 31 iron rush (63 blocks, wooden sword, leather armor bundle, stone pickaxe) the team across mid (red team if you're yellow) and eliminate them.

  1. Finally, player 2 will rush the last team (orange if you're yellow) with their remaining blocks and player 1 will buy blocks to rush the last team (orange if you're yellow), although if player 1 has more than 25 blocks remaining then they can rush the last team (yeah im not repeating it again lol) straight away, and finish the game and therefore the run.

What to expect

More or less about the same as the normal strat, except for the very small chance of all 3 teams across mid leaving the game, making the run end at step 4 with a possible sub 20.

Hardcore strat

This one is for the more experienced runners so I will now speak normally, the hardcore strat is a strategy designed to widen the chances of people leaving the game, which depending on your luck can result in a slightly better run or a world record. This strategy has evolved from "hardcore leave" to a series of conditions a speedrunner most follow that I will list here:

-Voting at hardcore at the same time The creator of this strat votes at 9 seconds but I recommend voting at 8 seconds because cmon, thats only a second to react.

-Vote overpowered at the last second This is to make people think they're about to play hardcore and leave the game.

-Having dark red and dark purple names Dark red and preferably the purple and pink name from the vip levels, although dark purple works just fine.

-Have scary igns Have your name start with z, its, or q, you can also replace some of the letters of your ign with numbers or a q, 4 letter igns or password igns as I like to call them can also be scary, although not everyone will buy money and switch their ign just to look scary, so I guess you just gotta get lucky with whatever you first chose as your ign lol.

-Be featured in a RelatedNoobs video Wasn't this a coherent guide a couple paragraphs ago?

-Have a boy and a girl name so people think you're edaters Ok thats it. Good luck with your speedruns!

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