Wii sports resort golf 18 holes (beginners)
Wii sports resort golf 18 holes (beginners)
Updated 1 year ago by Quacc_is_Quacc

Hello and welcome. people may not know me as i am 180th but could be 89th if i had recorded. But enough about that this can be a guide on how to lower your times quickly and effectivly. #1. Using the give up strats on hole 1 and 17. If your going to try for a faster time you can use the give up strats on hole 1 and 17 which one hole 1 you want to either go to the right with the speed glitch (holding the right d-pad just as the shot number comes up or just before) and hole 17 which you should hit it left into the water then switch to a putter and putt it in the water till a give up. These will make you think its going slower than to just play the hole (could be true if they are done wrong) but can help with something that has become super popular. #2. Pin manip, Pin manip is the use of the give up on hole #1 which the hole can either have A pins or B pins, doing good (birdies and eagles) will most likely give you A pins which are harder or are on slopes which can lose time if you miss but if you give up on hole #1 you will be at a postive number i think its +8 which will give you B pins which are easier and will have less chance of missing a shot and losing your pb over it. #3. Using the three hole mode for practising holes you have struggled on, I had this issue with hole #16 but if you go into the #3 holes mode you can practice holes you struggle on. #5 using backspin/shortcuts. Using backspin can be crucial for a chip from a bunker or maybe even a hit from the fairway. to do this you kind of just stop your swing about half way through or after (go to the main guide for better detail). Shortcuts are very important in getting through some of the holes like #12 with the island on the left side of the course. using the island can save a lot more time then hitting towards the fairway. (about 1-2 strokes less then using the fairway) #6. Practice, all I can really say to end this is practice... a lot. the more you practice the better you will be. And to end it off i really hope it helps a bit once you start getting better at the runs so around my time or under 14:00 start using the other guide and I hope to see people beat their pb or even my record (unrecorded) 12:52. Good luck and most importantly have fun -Quacc_is_Quacc

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