Dojo Domination in 13m 40s by

Included a timestamp for when the run starts.

Hello everyone who could potentially see this run(probably not though because it's Wii Party U but whatever). I'm EpicCrossover, or as what other people call me in the community, an A-hole who really needs to change the way he acts because of how messed up his brain is.

All of that is true. When I was a part of the Wii Series community at first, everything seemed completely fine. I was just a normal speedrunner doing normal speedrun things during quarantine. Things started to change unfortunately. I quickly became some who would act completely ridiculous and I even threatened others because of my competitive nature and acted completely idiotic towards the whole community.

I understand people don't like me. You don't have to like me at all. I'm completely fine with that. I understand I f---ed up many times and people just have had it with me. You don't need to feel bad for me. I made those decisions myself when I really shouldn't have. It was not at all the way I should've acted and being honest, I would've been better off if I was just someone you could possibly talk to for speedrunning tips (in the past obviously, before all of this happened.)

That's all from me. If no one ever sees this or cares, then I completely understand. A few months ago, I was losing my mind over my whole recording thing (I know no one cares but I'll explain anyway) and it was bad enough that I just needed to seek help. I still am to this day and I strive to be someone who can be more responsible about things and really just be someone who didn't push themselves and become someone everyone hated on. Who I need to be now is someone who's in the background, and just gets involved with a community and doesn't start sh-t.

Hope y'all are staying safe and have a wonderful day.


Dojo Domination
13m 40s
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago