Individual Masters in 59m 39s by

I DID IT!!! I got the Warren Gay sub-hour. Flawless run. I know HeliosWx had been grinding it for a while but it just wasn't happening, was taking too long and it's Pride Month. Felt it was time, especially with my new cowboy hat from America I bought during SGDQ. Grinded this for many hours day after day, had a 1:02:24 and a 1:00:51 in that grind, which showed I could achieve the goal. So happy I did it and this was the run. Love that I did this a few days after Brian, peggle programmer and level designer, made a fun video talking about how he beats Zen Frog by being zen so I emphasised being zen on that level and got a Zen Shot from Lucky Spin. Couldn't have worked out better! Also, wanted to put HeliosWx as a sound in my splits but forgot so said at the beginning in this run that I wanted to do that for the next attempt, then get the goal. Hey, at least Helios was there and if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be where I am now since he took me under his wing when I first started running. Seemed fitting if one of us were to achieve the hat sub-hour since we were the 2 people wearing hats in PBR1 and had passed hat world records. Also, that getting helix (11-5) 2nd attempt like in SGDQ is awesome!

Happy Pride Month! ?️‍?

Individual Masters
Warren Rabbit
Second place
59m 39s
11 months ago
11 months ago
11 months ago
Time splits
Provided by
#NameSplitFinished at
1-1-10m 47s 275ms0m 47s 275ms
2-1-20m 50s 022ms1m 37s 297ms
3-1-31m 02s 193ms2m 39s 490ms
4-1-40m 43s 903ms3m 23s 393ms
5{Bjorn}1-50m 43s 858ms4m 07s 251ms
6-2-11m 01s 713ms5m 08s 964ms
0m 39s 242ms5m 48s 206ms
8-2-31m 20s 210ms7m 08s 416ms
9-2-40m 52s 189ms8m 00s 605ms
10{Jimmy}2-51m 05s 409ms9m 06s 014ms
11-3-10m 55s 133ms10m 01s 147ms
12-3-21m 07s 810ms11m 08s 957ms
13-3-31m 00s 392ms12m 09s 349ms
0m 53s 430ms13m 02s 779ms
15{Kat Tut}3-50m 55s 672ms13m 58s 451ms
16-4-10m 51s 650ms14m 50s 101ms
17-4-20m 53s 567ms15m 43s 668ms
18-4-31m 14s 285ms16m 57s 953ms
19-4-40m 45s 865ms17m 43s 818ms
20{Splork}4-51m 09s 144ms18m 52s 962ms
21-5-10m 51s 588ms19m 44s 550ms
22-5-20m 59s 843ms20m 44s 393ms
23-5-31m 09s 084ms21m 53s 477ms
24-5-41m 10s 996ms23m 04s 473ms
25{Claude}5-51m 07s 583ms24m 12s 056ms
26-6-11m 15s 542ms25m 27s 598ms
27-6-21m 05s 861ms26m 33s 459ms
28-6-31m 14s 536ms27m 47s 995ms
29-6-41m 02s 159ms28m 50s 154ms
30{Renfield}6-51m 14s 250ms30m 04s 404ms
31-7-11m 11s 075ms31m 15s 479ms
32-7-20m 55s 857ms32m 11s 336ms
33-7-31m 12s 182ms33m 23s 518ms
34-7-41m 23s 761ms34m 47s 279ms
35{Tula}7-50m 51s 936ms35m 39s 215ms
36-8-11m 09s 247ms36m 48s 462ms
37-8-21m 01s 711ms37m 50s 173ms
38-8-31m 04s 905ms38m 55s 078ms
39-8-41m 27s 962ms40m 23s 040ms
40{Warren}8-51m 12s 922ms41m 35s 962ms
41-9-11m 14s 439ms42m 50s 401ms
42-9-21m 09s 475ms43m 59s 876ms
43-9-31m 22s 329ms45m 22s 205ms
44-9-41m 00s 884ms46m 23s 089ms
45{Cinderbottom}9-51m 19s 776ms47m 42s 865ms
46-10-11m 25s 146ms49m 08s 011ms
47-10-20m 56s 822ms50m 04s 833ms
48-10-31m 00s 419ms51m 05s 252ms
49-10-41m 11s 520ms52m 16s 772ms
50{Master Hu}10-51m 29s 374ms53m 46s 146ms
51-11-11m 10s 129ms54m 56s 275ms
52-11-21m 01s 139ms55m 57s 414ms
53-11-31m 27s 290ms57m 24s 704ms
54-11-41m 03s 674ms58m 28s 378ms
55{Master Levels}11-51m 10s 743ms59m 39s 121ms